Simple Calculator

This page describes ECTS-credits. For information about the ECTS grading system go to ECTS grading scale.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries. For successfully completed studies, ECTS credits are awarded. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits that are equivalent to 1500–1800 hours of study in all countries irrespective of standard or qualification type and is used to facilitate transfer and progression throughout the Union.
The ECTS will be complemented by the European credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET) which the ministers responsible for vocational training in 32 European countries agreed to develop in the Maastricht Communiqué of 14 December 2004.
ECTS also includes a standard ECTS grading scale, intended to be shown in addition to local (i.e. national) standard grades [1]:

Current systems

List of credits given in one year in European countries
Country CP per year Hours per CP Credit point name
European Union (EU) 60 20 ECTS-credits
EU Member States
Austria 60 25 ECTS (also ECTS-Punkte, ECTS credits)
Belgium 60 30 ECTS (also studiepunten, ECTS)
Bulgaria 60 кредити
Czech Republic 60 kredit
Denmark 60 ~28 ECTS-point
England, Wales and Northern Ireland 120 ~10 credits (Open University – points)
Estonia 60 26 ainepunkt (EAP), currently because many students are still used with the older system the long name 'euroopa ainepunkt' is more than often used for clarity's sake
Finland 60 27 opintopiste (op)
France 60 crédits
Germany 60 30 ECTS, Leistungspunkte (LP), Kreditpunkte (KP), Credit Points (CP) or Credits
Greece 60 ECTS, Credit Points (CP), Μονάδες Φόρτου Εργασίας (Δ.Μ) or Credits
Hungary 60 30 kredit(pont)
Ireland 60 ECTS
Italy 60 25 crediti formativi universitari (CFU)
Latvia 40 kredītpunkts (KP)
Lithuania 60 kreditai
Luxembourg 60 ECTS
Malta 60 ECTS-credits
The Netherlands 60 28 studiepunten (ECTS)
Poland 60 punkty ECTS
Portugal 60 28 créditos
Romania 60 30 credite (SECTS)
Scotland 120 SCOTCAT credit points
Slovakia 60 kredit
Slovenia 60 kreditne točke
Spain 60 25 créditos ECTS
Sweden 60 26.667 högskolepoäng (Used from July 2007)
EFTA Member States
Iceland 60 eining(ar) (unit(s))
Norway 60 studiepoeng
Switzerland 60 30 ECTS-credits
Other European Countries
Bosnia and Herzegovina 60 25 ECTS bodovi
Croatia 60 25 ECTS bodovi
Georgia 60-65 კრედიტი (krediti)
Macedonia 60 кредити (ECTS)
Montenegro 60 ECTS-krediti
Serbia 60 ЕСПБ бодова

Obsolete systems

List of credits previously given in one year in European countries
Country CP/a Abbreviation (unit)
Austria (old system) ~40 Semesterwochenstunden (SSt)
Denmark 1 Studenterårsværk (STÅ) (slowly phased out in Danish legislation since 2000)
Estonia (old system) 40 ainepunkt (AP)
Finland (old system) 40 opintoviikko
Germany (old system) ~40 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS)
The Netherlands 42 studiepunten
Norway 20 vekttall
Sweden 40 poäng (used until July 2007)
Sweden 2 betyg (used until late 1960s/early 1970s)

For more information look at:
Wikipedia, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, (optional description here) (as of Feb. 27, 2011, 16:05 GMT).

Simple application to help calculate average


This simple calculator help to count ECTS point average from one semester.


ECTS Average from more than 10 subject you can calculate by downloading simple Exel calculator: Spreadsheet ECTS (Excel, Open Office)
All information how to use this spreadsheet you will find inside.